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Demon Angel September 12, 2015

Posted by forgottenmoon in Inspired by a Song.
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So this little short story comes from a song I heard that I thought said “angel with demon wings.” That’s not what it said and I’m still not sure the true lyrics, but it doesn’t matter.

One night, I woke to a bright light. “What the hell?” I asked myself. Then I saw a figure appear. “Hello Saria,” said the voice in the light. I squinted and shielded my eyes with my hand to try and understand the scene in front of me. “Oh sorry,” he said, and the light dissipated. I beheld a man in white robes and golden hair standing there, smiling at me. “I am Mathias, and I am your guardian angel.” After my eyes adjusted further I notice something off about this so-called angel. “Um, I’m not overly religious or anything, but aren’t you supposed to have feathers on your wings?” His smile fell off of his face, his leathery wings folded behind him, almost as if he was ashamed of them. “Just because I wasn’t born with wings that don’t fit the stereo-typical ‘angel’ vision, doesn’t make me any less of one.” I stared at him for a moment, rubbed my eyes and yawned. “What the hell do you want?” I said, annoyed. “You really should talk more politely to your guardian angel,” Mathias said. “You never know what might happen.”

“Yeah, well I never said I needed a guardian angel anyway,” I said as I flopped back down onto my pillow. “I didn’t particularly want to take this job anyway, but I didn’t have much choice in the matter,” he muttered. I peaked up at his face to glimpse a bit of shame and disdain showing on his face. “Oh what,” I asked, “did someone screw you over? Was guarding me a shit job no one wanted to do?” …Silence… “Great, I get the outcast. Fitting.” I had never really been the most popular person in high school, and the real world hadn’t been much better for me so far either. He looked at me, sheepishly. “Look at the bright side, some people don’t even get guardian angels.” “I bet other people’s guardian angels don’t wake them up at 3:00 AM after a long shift at work.” I said, annoyance creeping back into my tone. “Oh right,  there really isn’t time where I’m from,” Mathias commented, scratching his head through his gleaming golden hair. “I’ll come back when you’re awake and civil.” He raised his dragon-like wings and flapped them a few times and vanished.

After questioning my sanity for a minute, I fell right back to sleep. I woke up to the natural sunlight, feeling well rested. I slowly shuffled out of bed, thankful it was Saturday. Ah the weekend, the merciful days I get to spend my time as I please. With a cup of green tea in my hand, I looked out the window staring at the few cars going by until the blonde-haired reminder of last night popped his face into my line of sight, a chipper smile on his face as he exclaimed, “Good morning, Saria!” I jolted, “Ah!” I screamed as I nearly fell backwards out of my chair. “What the hell, you’re back! You’re real! What the hell, I thought you were part of one of those crazy dreams I always have!” 

Mathias’ smile got bigger somehow as he said, “Nope, I exist and you aren’t dreaming,” he said. I looked at him with my mouth open. “Sorry about last night,” I stated, “I’m not usually like that. My attitude isn’t always the best when people wake me up abruptly.” He stood there in my kitchen in blue jeans and a white t-shirt, looking like he belonged there, though still oddly out of place with those wings. “Don’t apologize for my intrusion,” he smiled again, “I can only imagine what it would be like to be woken up like that.” “What happened to the robe from last night?” I asked, looking him over thoroughly. “Oh,” he glanced down at himself and looked back up at me quickly, “We’re instructed to greet everyone formally so as to conform to a sort of standard. Just protocol. So, what’s the plan for the day?”

Not sure where else to go from there without infringing on copyrights.