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Life… November 12, 2011

Posted by forgottenmoon in Sadness.

There’s something that really confuses me.  One of my coworkers committed a planned suicide.  This just boggles my mind!  Here’s most of the story.

Let’s call my coworker Jack.

Jack comes up to me a few weeks ago and tells me that he put in his two weeks and that he got a job somewhere else.  I think to myself, “Great!  He’s getting out of this hell hole and into a place that could make him happier, give him more hours and everything!” I continue to go about my business thinking nothing of it, and frankly completely forgetting about it until the next day I work, which is nearly a week later.

Another coworker pulls me aside and says, “Have you heard the news?”  “No, what happened?” She tells me that Jack committed suicide the night before and all I could say is, “WHAT?!”  She tells me to take a minute and if I have to leave for a moment, I should do so.  She told me it was by asphyxiation.

I’m thinking to myself, “Why!  He seemed to be a relatively happy guy but never talked much.”

The emotion that came over me the instant I heard the news was confusion and almost surprise that I didn’t break down into tears at that very moment.  The confusion was because he never seemed to be that conflicted to me, but I guess I never really talked to him.  I was told by a different coworker that he never had the other job in the first place, and that his parents didn’t even know he had put in his two weeks.  He had planned the whole thing and actually went through with it!  That is really quite disturbing and unsettling to me.

I have never considered suicide because I know so many people would miss me and I wouldn’t want them to have to deal with that.  Life must go on, no matter how crappy it might be.

I just wanted to get this story out there because there are people who do the same thing as Jack did all over the world every day.  I hope that everyone gets the chance to tell someone and everyone they care about, how much they do care, and that they will be missed if anything happens to them.

I mourn the loss of my friend/coworker, and I’m very sad for his parents who now have to bury their son.  Please, rest in peace.  You will be missed.


1. Angela - November 13, 2011

Wow, Kels…I was wondering what was upsetting you, then I scrolled back a bit and found this. I’ve never understood the mentality of suicide for precisely the reasons you mentioned…no matter how bad anything ever got I would hate myself for subjecting the people I love to that kind of loss. I’m sorry for the loss of your friend, and I’m sorry that he didn’t feel it worthwhile to look to God or to the people who cared about him for whatever pain he was feeling that drove him to such an act. He, his family, and you, as his friend, are all in my prayers.

2. swordsoftheancients - November 14, 2011

I love you, hime, and I’m here for you if you ever need to talk about anything. ❤

3. Red Barchetta, Black Beretta « The Swords of the Ancients - November 14, 2011

[…] doing well enough. Better than my girlfriend, I’m afraid. She’s had a rough week of work, as her latest post will tell you. As for […]

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